Useful techniques for de-escalation that were taught during this course were

A- The SOLVE solution
B- Verbal Take Downs
C- Pressure points
D- Verbal Intervention Techniques
E- 5 steps to De-escalation
F- Seperate and stitch

The useful techniques for de-escalation that were taught during this course include:

A- The SOLVE solution: This technique focuses on problem-solving and finding constructive solutions to calm the situation down.

D- Verbal Intervention Techniques: These techniques involve using effective communication skills such as active listening, empathy, paraphrasing, and reflecting emotions to defuse tense situations.

E- 5 steps to De-escalation: These steps provide a systematic approach to de-escalation, including creating a safe environment, active listening, empathy, exploring options, and finding a resolution.

F- Separate and Stitch: This technique involves physically separating individuals who are involved in a conflict and providing them with time and space to calm down before addressing the situation.

It is important to note that B- Verbal Take Downs and C- Pressure Points are not typically recommended for de-escalation as they involve using force or physical techniques, which can potentially escalate the situation further. The focus should be on non-violent and verbal strategies to defuse conflicts.

The useful techniques for de-escalation that were taught during this course include:

A- The SOLVE solution: This technique involves using the acronym SOLVE, which stands for Stay calm, Observe, Listen, Validate, and Explore options. It helps to manage emotions and address the issue effectively.

D- Verbal Intervention Techniques: These techniques involve using effective communication skills to calm down a situation. Examples include active listening, empathy, reflecting emotions, setting boundaries, and using open-ended questions.

E- 5 steps to De-escalation: This is a general framework that can be used to de-escalate a situation effectively. The steps typically include Assessing the situation, Staying calm, Establishing rapport, Identifying needs, and Offering solutions.

F- Separate and Stitch: This technique focuses on physically separating individuals involved in a conflict and then providing them with a safe space to calm down and engage in constructive communication. It can help prevent the situation from escalating further.

Please note that verbal take downs and pressure points are not recommended techniques for de-escalation, as they can potentially escalate the situation and cause harm.