What is the purpose of the "Display as Icon" option in the Insert Object dialogue box?

The "Display as Icon" option in the Insert Object dialogue box allows you to insert a file or an object into a document, spreadsheet, or presentation as an icon representation instead of displaying the actual content of the file. This option is useful when you want to conserve space in your document and, at the same time, provide a visual representation of the included file or object. By selecting this option, a small icon is created, which can be double-clicked to open the file or object in its respective application.

The "Display as Icon" option in the Insert Object dialogue box serves the purpose of embedding an object into a document while representing it as an icon. When this option is selected, the object is inserted as an icon, which can be clicked to open or activate the embedded file or program. This allows the user to save space on the document and improve readability by reducing the clutter of large or complex objects. Additionally, it provides a visual indicator that there is an embedded object associated with the icon. Typically, the icon represents the content type of the embedded object, making it easier for the user to identify and interact with it when needed.