144 people travel on a bus, including men and women. If the number of men divided by the number of women is 5, what is the number of men traveling on the bus?

Let the number of men be x, and the number of women be y.

We are given that x + y = 144.
Since the number of men divided by the number of women is 5, we can write the equation as x/y = 5.
Simplifying the equation, we have x = 5y.
Substituting this value into the first equation, we get 5y + y = 144.
Combining like terms, we have 6y = 144.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 6, we find y = 24.
Substituting this value back into the equation x = 5y, we have x = 5(24) = 120.
Therefore, there are 120 men traveling on the bus. Answer: \boxed{120}.

Let's assume the number of men traveling on the bus is 'm' and the number of women traveling on the bus is 'w'. We are given that the total number of people traveling on the bus is 144. So, we can write the equation:

m + w = 144

We are also given that the number of men divided by the number of women is 5. So we can write another equation:

m/w = 5

To find the number of men traveling on the bus, we need to solve these two equations simultaneously. Let's rearrange the first equation to express w in terms of m:

w = 144 - m

Substituting this value of w in the second equation, we have:

m / (144 - m) = 5

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of m. Multiplying both sides by (144 - m), we have:

m = 5(144 - m)

Expanding the equation, we get:

m = 720 - 5m

Adding 5m to both sides, we have:

6m = 720

Dividing both sides by 6, we get:

m = 120

Therefore, the number of men traveling on the bus is 120.