All of the honeybee colonies tested by the researchers were positive for both viruses, an unfortunate but common occurrence for commercial colonies.

But the number of wild bumblebees carrying viruses varied depending on the proximity to the domesticated hives. There was also variation between the two viruses.

More than 90 percent of bumblebees collected close to apiaries carried black queen cell virus. In sites farther from apiaries, and where no honeybees were foraging, just under 40 percent were positive for this virus. When the researchers checked for actual infections, they found that the proximity to an apiary wasn’t telling of whether a bumblebee was infected with black queen cell virus. That means sites near and far from a commercial beehive had the same abundance of black queen cell virus infections.

The connection was clearer for deformed wing virus infections. Twenty percent of bumblebees foraging close to apiaries carried the virus on their outsides and 10 percent had active infections. But in sites more than a half mile away from an apiary, where honeybees were absent, not a single bumblebee tested positive for deformed wing virus — as a carrier or with an infection..

When the researchers looked at infected flowers, they noticed a similar trend. Of the 20 percent of flowers that tested positive for viruses, all were picked close to apiaries. And the denser the flower patch in these areas, the higher the rate of deformed wing virus infection in bumblebees.

Use the article excerpt to answer the question.

Researchers claimed they found a relationship between bumblebee infections and how close the bumblebees were to honeybee apiaries. What evidence from the text best supports this analysis?

a. the fact that there was a difference between the two types of viruses researchers tested

b. the percentage of flowers that tested positive for viruses and their proximity to apiaries

c. the percentage of bumblebees infected base on their proximity to apiaries

d. the fact that all the honeybee apiaries researchers tested were infected with both viruses

c. the percentage of bumblebees infected based on their proximity to apiaries

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

"Everyone has different names for the kind of play we just witnessed. My team calls it a Morganism. That’s because one time last year, my friend Morgan jumped to make a catch, collided with another player, fell down, and still managed to snag the ball."
Based on the paragraph, what is a Morganism?

an upset caused by a lucky move in sports

a difficult play in a sports setting

an unlikely but successful sports play

a humorous outcome after a tense moment

an unlikely but successful sports play

Use the sentence to answer the question.

"He became class president by promising the electorate he would extend recess time."
Based on the context, who is part of this electorate?

the students in one class

influential students in a group

an entire school

all students and teachers

an entire school

Use the article to answer the question.

How does the “What they found” section of "Are Commercial Honeybees Making Wild Bees Sick?"
by Berly McCoy refine the central idea?

(1 point)

It reveals the advances that have been made on the topic since the studies began.

It provides additional nuance that helps readers understand how complex the issue is.

It suggests the author’s initial claims were not completely accurate and adjusts them.

It uncovers the specifics of what makes wild bees sick and answers the question in the title.

What they found

All of the honeybee colonies tested by the researchers were positive for both viruses, an unfortunate but common occurrence for commercial colonies.

But the number of wild bumblebees carrying viruses varied depending on the proximity to the domesticated hives. There was also variation between the two viruses.

More than 90 percent of bumblebees collected close to apiaries carried black queen cell virus. In sites farther from apiaries, and where no honeybees were foraging, just under 40 percent were positive for this virus. When the researchers checked for actual infections, they found that the proximity to an apiary wasn’t telling of whether a bumblebee was infected with black queen cell virus. That means sites near and far from a commercial beehive had the same abundance of black queen cell virus infections.

It provides additional nuance that helps readers understand how complex the issue is.

Use the article to answer the question.

Why does the author of "Why Journalism Has A Gender Problem"
by Corinne Segal include a question at the beginning of the 12th paragraph?

(1 point)

The question supports the idea that more diversity is needed in newsrooms.

The question engages readers and tells them that there will be a shift in focus.

The author is asking readers to respond by sharing an opinion.

The author believes it is important that white men continue to lead high-profile media distributors.

But men are still leading as the creators in at least several high-profile instances. Vox and First Look Media were founded this year by men, and FiveThirtyEight was founded by two men and one woman. A Vanity Fair list of media disruptors, released on Wednesday, is comprised almost entirely of white men.

Why is this important? The report cited several studies showing that diverse newsrooms do a better job at news coverage, and their policies favoring work-life balance are not as prohibitive for working parents of any gender.

The question supports the idea that more diversity is needed in newsrooms.

Use the article to answer the question.

But men are still leading as the creators in at least several high-profile instances. Vox and First Look Media were founded this year by men, and FiveThirtyEight was founded by two men and one woman. A Vanity Fair list of media disruptors, released on Wednesday, is comprised almost entirely of white men.

Why is this important? The report cited several studies showing that diverse newsrooms do a better job at news coverage, and their policies favoring work-life balance are not as prohibitive for working parents of any gender.

Why does the author of "Why Journalism Has A Gender Problem" by Corinne Segal include a question at the beginning of the 12th paragraph?

(1 point)

The question supports the idea that more diversity is needed in newsrooms.

The question engages readers and tells them that there will be a shift in focus.

The author is asking readers to respond by sharing an opinion.

The author believes it is important that white men continue to lead high-profile media distributors.