The complete floor plan of a vacation cottage is shown. Both bedrooms have the same dimensions. What is the total area of the cottage, in square feet?

Since both bedrooms have the same dimensions, we can find the area of one bedroom and multiply it by 2 to find the total area of both bedrooms.

Looking at the floor plan, let's assume that each square represents 1 foot.

We can see that each bedroom is 6 squares long and 4 squares wide.

Therefore, the area of one bedroom is 6 x 4 = <<6*4=24>>24 square feet.

Multiplying this by 2 gives us the total area of both bedrooms: 24 x 2 = <<24*2=48>>48 square feet.

Next, we can find the area of the living room.

Looking at the floor plan, we can count that the living room is 8 squares long and 6 squares wide.

Therefore, the area of the living room is 8 x 6 = <<8*6=48>>48 square feet.

Finally, we add the areas of both bedrooms and the living room to find the total area of the cottage: 48 + 48 + 48 = <<48+48+48=144>>144 square feet.

Therefore, the total area of the cottage is 144 square feet. Answer: \boxed{144}.

To determine the total area of the cottage, we need to find the area of each room and sum them together. Since both bedrooms have the same dimensions, we only need to find the area of one bedroom and then double it.

Let's assume the dimensions of one bedroom are length L and width W.

The area of one bedroom is given by the formula: Area = length * width = L * W.

Since both bedrooms have the same dimensions, we can double the area of one bedroom to find the total area of the bedrooms: 2 * (L * W) = 2LW.

Additionally, we need to account for the area of the rest of the cottage. Let's say the area of the rest of the cottage is R.

Therefore, the total area of the cottage is given by: Total area = 2LW + R.

Without further information about the rest of the cottage or specific dimensions, we cannot determine the exact value of the total area.