1. A toy train costs $3 more than 7 times the cost of the train track. If you spent $52 on a toy train, how much did the train track cost?​

Let's call the cost of the train track "x".

According to the problem, the toy train costs 7 times the cost of the train track, plus $3 more. So, the cost of the toy train is 7x + $3.
If you spent $52 on a toy train, then: 7x + $3 = $52.
Subtracting $3 from both sides of the equation, we get 7x = $49.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 7, we get x = $<<7=7>>7.
So, the train track costs $7. Answer: \boxed{7}.

Let's solve this step-by-step:

Step 1: Let's assume the cost of the train track is 'x'.
Step 2: According to the given information, the toy train costs $3 more than 7 times the cost of the train track, which can be expressed as 7x + $3.
Step 3: We know that you spent $52 on a toy train, so we can set up the equation: 7x + $3 = $52.
Step 4: Let's solve the equation for 'x':

7x + $3 = $52

Subtract $3 from both sides:

7x = $52 - $3
7x = $49

Divide both sides by 7:

x = $49 / 7
x = $7

Therefore, the train track costs $7.