The coordination number and oxidation number of the central atom in [Mn(CO)4Br2] are ________ and ________, respectively

The coordination number of the central atom in [Mn(CO)4Br2] is 6, as it is coordinated to six ligands (four carbon monoxide ligands and two bromine ligands).

The oxidation number of the central atom can be calculated by considering the known oxidation numbers of the other atoms and the overall charge of the molecule. In this case, the molecule is neutral, so the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms must add up to zero.

Let's assign the oxidation number of carbon in carbon monoxide (CO) as +2, the oxidation number of bromine as -1 (expected for a halogen), and the oxidation number of oxygen as -2.

Since there are four CO ligands, the total oxidation number contributed by carbon is: 4 * (+2) = +8

Since there are two bromine ligands, the total oxidation number contributed by bromine is: 2 * (-1) = -2

Let's assign the oxidation number of the central atom as x.

To determine the oxidation number of the central atom Mn, we can set up the following equation:

(+8) + (-2) + x = 0

Simplifying the equation, we get:

+6 + x = 0

Subtracting 6 from both sides, we find:

x = -6

Therefore, the oxidation number of the central atom (Mn) in [Mn(CO)4Br2] is -6.

To determine the coordination number and oxidation number of the central atom in [Mn(CO)4Br2], we will analyze the structure of the complex.

In the given compound, [Mn(CO)4Br2], we have a central atom represented by the symbol "Mn" which stands for manganese.

1. Coordination number: The coordination number is the number of ligands bonded to the central metal atom. To determine this, we count the number of ligands attached to the central atom. In this case, the ligands are "CO" (carbon monoxide) and "Br" (bromine).

We have four CO ligands and two Br ligands attached to the central Mn atom. Therefore, the coordination number is 4 + 2 = 6.

2. Oxidation number: Oxidation number, also known as oxidation state, represents the net charge on the central metal atom.

To determine the oxidation number of Mn, we consider the charges of the ligands and the overall charge of the compound. The oxidation number of CO is 0, while Br has an oxidation number of -1.

We know that the overall charge of the compound is neutral, so the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms should be zero.

Let's denote the oxidation number of Mn as "x".

(Mn(x)) + 4(CO(0)) + 2(Br(-1)) = 0

Rearranging the equation, we get:

x + 0 + (-2) = 0

x - 2 = 0

x = +2

Therefore, the oxidation number of the central Mn atom in [Mn(CO)4Br2] is +2.

In summary:
- Coordination number: 6
- Oxidation number: +2