Which measures of center will change when a value is added to the datasets?

Dataset 1: (9,10,12,22,21,20,12,9,10,22,21,12,12,9,10)

Dataset 2: (9,10,12,22,21,20,12,9,10,22,21,12,12,9,10,12)

(1 point)



None. All the measures will stay the same.
None. All the measures will stay the same.



The measures of center that will change when a value is added to the datasets are:

1. Mean: The mean will change because it is calculated by summing all the values in the dataset and then dividing by the number of values. Adding a new value will change the sum and therefore the mean.

2. Median: The median will also change because it is the middle value of the dataset when it is sorted in ascending order. Adding a new value may change the position of the middle value and therefore the median.

The mode, on the other hand, will not change by adding a value. The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the dataset, and adding a new value will not affect the existing mode unless the new value becomes the most frequent one.