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The data from each treatment suggests that at 1.5M H2SO4, there was an increased volume of hydrogen gas and increased reaction rate for generating hydrogen gas, with an average volume difference of 28mL compared to 0.1M H2SO4 not solely from concentration, the mass of magnesium is under control to minimise the volume and having greater volume of gas.

The data from each treatment suggests that at 1.5M H2SO4, there was an increased volume of hydrogen gas and an increased reaction rate for generating hydrogen gas. This increase in volume was not solely due to the concentration of the acid, as the mass of magnesium was controlled to minimize the volume while still achieving a greater volume of gas. On average, there was a difference of 28mL in volume compared to when using 0.1M H2SO4.

The data from each treatment indicates that when using a concentration of 1.5M H2SO4, there was an observed increase in the volume of hydrogen gas produced and an increase in the reaction rate for generating hydrogen gas. On average, there was a volume difference of 28mL compared to when using a concentration of 0.1M H2SO4. It is important to note that this increase in volume is not solely due to the difference in concentration of the acid. The mass of magnesium used in the experiment was controlled in order to minimize the volume of gas produced. Despite this, the treatment with 1.5M H2SO4 resulted in a greater volume of gas being generated.