What is 1749 + 59 − 8 − 10?(1 point)

The result of 1749 + 59 - 8 - 10 is 1790


To add:

1749 + 59 = 1808

To subtract:

1808 - 8 = 1800

To subtract again:

1800 - 10 = 1790

So, 1749 + 59 - 8 - 10 = 1790.

To find the result of the expression 1749 + 59 - 8 - 10, you need to perform the arithmetic operations in the correct order.

First, you can add the numbers 1749 and 59. The sum of these two numbers is 1808.

Then, subtract 8 from 1808. The result of this subtraction is 1800.

Finally, subtract 10 from 1800. The final answer is 1790.

So, 1749 + 59 - 8 - 10 equals 1790.