Write an inequality that models a real-world situation. Describe your situation and what the variable x represents.

Inequality: 40x + 60 > 200

Situation: An employee wishes to calculate the maximum number of hours he can take off from work (represented by variable x) while still earning more than $200 in a month. The employee's hourly wage is $40, and the employee also receives a monthly bonus of $60.

The inequality states that the product of the number of hours taken off (variable x) and the hourly wage plus the monthly bonus should be greater than $200.

Inequality: 2x + 5 > 10

Situation: A store is having a sale on a specific item. The variable x represents the number of items a customer purchases.

Description: The inequality 2x + 5 > 10 represents a real-world situation where a store offers a sale on a particular item. In this scenario, x represents the number of items a customer purchases. The inequality states that twice the number of items, plus 5, is greater than 10. This indicates that the customer must purchase more than 2 of the item to avail the sale.