What is -6 7/12 - 4 1/3?

To subtract mixed numbers, we need to convert them into improper fractions first.

To convert -6 7/12 into an improper fraction:
-6 = -6 * 12 = -72
-72 + 7 = -65

To convert 4 1/3 into an improper fraction:
4 = 4 * 3 = 12
12 + 1 = 13

Now, we can subtract the two improper fractions:
-65/12 - 13/3

To do this, we need a common denominator, which is 12 * 3 = 36.

-65/12 = -5.(4) (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
13/3 = 4.(3) (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

-5.(4) - 4.(3) ≈ -9.(7)

So, -6 7/12 - 4 1/3 is approximately -9.78.

To subtract -6 7/12 from 4 1/3, we need to convert these mixed numbers to improper fractions.

Converting -6 7/12 to an improper fraction:
Step 1: Multiply the whole number (-6) by the denominator (12): -6 * 12 = -72
Step 2: Add the numerator (7) to the result of step 1: -72 + 7 = -65
Step 3: Write the result from step 2 over the denominator (12): -65/12

Converting 4 1/3 to an improper fraction:
Step 1: Multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (3): 4 * 3 = 12
Step 2: Add the numerator (1) to the result of step 1: 12 + 1 = 13
Step 3: Write the result from step 2 over the denominator (3): 13/3

Now we can perform the subtraction:
-65/12 - 13/3

To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. Since 12 and 3 both go into 12, we can use 12 as the common denominator.

Converting fractions to have a common denominator:
-65/12 - 13/3 = -65/12 - (13/3 * 4/4) = -65/12 - 52/12

Now that the denominators are the same, we can subtract the numerators:
-65/12 - 52/12 = (-65 - 52)/12 = -117/12

The final result is -117/12.