What is a rational number with a denominator of 7 that is between 7–√

and 8–√
. Write your answer as an improper fraction.

To find the rational number between 7–√ and 8–√, we need to find a number that is greater than 7–√ and less than 8–√. We can do this by taking the average of these two numbers.

First, let's rewrite 7–√ and 8–√ as improper fractions:

7–√ = 7 - √1 = 7 - 1/√1 = 7 - 1/1 = 6

8–√ = 8 - √1 = 8 - 1/√1 = 8 - 1/1 = 7

Now, we can find the average:

(6 + 7)/2 = 13/2

So, the rational number with a denominator of 7 that is between 7–√ and 8–√ is 13/2.

that answer

doesn't have a denominator of 7

Apologies for the confusion.

To find a rational number with a denominator of 7 between 7-√ and 8-√, we can take the average of these two numbers.

7-√ is equivalent to 7 - √1, and since the square root of 1 is 1, we have 7-√ = 7 - 1 = 6.

8-√ is equivalent to 8 - √1, which also equals 8 - 1 = 7.

Now, let's find their average:

(6 + 7)/2 = 13/2.

To express this fraction with a denominator of 7, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by 7:

(13/2) * (7/7) = 91/14.

Therefore, the rational number with a denominator of 7 between 7-√ and 8-√ is 91/14.

To find a rational number with a denominator of 7 between 7–√ and 8–√, we need to find a number that is between these two numbers and can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 7.

First, let's simplify the given numbers:
7–√ = 7 – √1 = 7 – 1 = 6

8–√ = 8 – √1 = 8 – 1 = 7

Now, we need to find a number between 6 and 7 that can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 7.

One way to approach this is to find the midpoint between 6 and 7:
(6 + 7) / 2 = 13 / 2 = 6.5

However, since we want the number to have a denominator of 7, we need to convert 6.5 to a fraction with a denominator of 7.

To do that, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 7:
(6.5 * 7) / (1 * 7) = 45 / 7.

Therefore, the rational number with a denominator of 7, between 7–√ and 8–√, is 45/7.

To find a rational number with a denominator of 7 between 7–√ and 8–√, we need to find a number that lies between those two values.

Let's simplify 7–√ and 8–√ to decimal values to make it easier to identify a rational number between them.

Using a calculator, we find that:

7–√ ≈ 4.64
8–√ ≈ 5.71

Now, we need to find a rational number with a denominator of 7 that lies between 4.64 and 5.71.

One way to approach this is to convert the decimal values to fractions with a denominator of 7.

Let's find the fractions for 4.64 and 5.71:

4.64 ≈ 4 42/100
5.71 ≈ 5 71/100

Now, we can compare these fractions to find the rational number that lies between them.

We can see that 4 42/100 is smaller than 5 71/100, so the next fraction we can try is 4 43/100.

4 43/100 is still smaller than 5 71/100, so we can try the next fraction, 4 44/100.

Continuing this process, we can find that 4 45/100 is greater than 4.64 and smaller than 5.71.

Therefore, the rational number with a denominator of 7 that lies between 7–√ and 8–√ is:

4 45/100, which can be simplified to 445/100.

So, in improper fraction form, the answer is 445/100.