Translate the figure HIJKL 3 units to the left. Which of the following would be a vertex in the translated figure?

(1 point)

The correct answer is K.

To translate a figure 3 units to the left, you need to shift each point of the figure 3 units to the left. Each point of the original figure will have its x-coordinate reduced by 3 units.

The given figure is HIJKL. If you shift each point 3 units to the left, the new x-coordinates will be:

H: x-coordinate - 3
I: x-coordinate - 3
J: x-coordinate - 3
K: x-coordinate - 3
L: x-coordinate - 3

Therefore, in the translated figure, the x-coordinate of each vertex will decrease by 3 units. So, the correct vertex in the translated figure would be the one whose x-coordinate is reduced by 3 units.

Without knowing the specific coordinates of the figure, I cannot determine which vertex it is. However, based on the information given, you can compare the original coordinates of the vertices to their translated coordinates by subtracting 3 from the x-coordinate and find the vertex that matches.

Once you have the coordinates of the original figure, subtract 3 from the x-coordinate of each vertex to find the corresponding vertex in the translated figure.

To translate the figure HIJKL 3 units to the left, we need to subtract 3 from the x-coordinates of each vertex.

The x-coordinate of a point represents its horizontal position on a coordinate plane. By subtracting 3 from each x-coordinate, we shift the figure 3 units to the left.

So, for the vertex to be a part of the translated figure, we need to subtract 3 from its x-coordinate.

Without knowing the specific x-coordinates of the vertices, we cannot determine which of the given options would be a vertex in the translated figure.