The image below shows a microscopic creature that is similar to a mite. It is made of more than one cell and can reproduce. This means that the creature is:

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a unicellular organism
a multicellular organism
a non-living organism
a bacteria

The creature shown in the image is a multicellular organism.

When you see a piece of lumber, you are looking at the plant's dried __________.

1 point
cell Wall

When you see a piece of lumber, you are looking at the plant's dried cell wall.

The lion in the picture is an example of a(n) _______.

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The lion in the picture is an example of a heterotroph.

The ______ controls almost all of the cell's activities.

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Golgi body

The nucleus controls almost all of the cell's activities.

__________ are often called the Powerhouse of the cell, energy is released here.

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Cell Membrane

Mitochondria are often called the Powerhouse of the cell, as energy is released there.

To determine the classification of the microscopic creature shown in the image, we can analyze the given information. The key details include that it is similar to a mite, made of more than one cell, and capable of reproduction.

Based on this information, we can rule out options such as 'a unicellular organism' and 'a non-living organism' since the creature is made of multiple cells. Bacteria are unicellular organisms, so the correct answer is not 'a bacteria.'

Therefore, the most appropriate classification for the creature in the image, which is made up of more than one cell and capable of reproduction, is 'a multicellular organism.'