Ayesha bought a 24-pack of lip gloss for $18.00. What is the unit cost per tube of lip gloss?

To find the unit cost per tube of lip gloss, we can divide the total cost by the number of tubes in the pack.

$18.00 / 24 tubes = $0.75 per tube

Therefore, the unit cost per tube of lip gloss is $0.75.

To find the unit cost per tube of lip gloss, you will need to divide the total cost of the package by the number of tubes it contains.

The total cost of the 24-pack of lip gloss is $18.00.

To find the unit cost per tube of lip gloss, divide the total cost ($18.00) by the number of tubes in the pack (24):

$18.00 / 24 = $0.75

Therefore, the unit cost per tube of lip gloss is $0.75.