My parents have had a influence on my development as I am trying to learn from them. They not only provide guidance on how to find situations but they help me to learn by myself. Whenever I come across a challenging homework question, they are there to help me their knowledge so that I can write the concepts. They encourage in other activities with me. They instill practical skills such as tending to plants, teaching me to take responsibility and ensuring I am capable of contributing to household tasks when required. In return, I gladly offer my assistance whenever they need it, reciprocating the support they have provided me with.

My parents has shaped me as a person.
Before, I used to be someone who/that ___________________________________ (give a detailed description on what you used to do/how you used to be.)
However, because/since ____________ (explain what happened). I have now became someone who _________________ (expain how you changed).
It is thanks to ______________ that I am now who I am today.

My parents have played a crucial role in shaping me as a person. Before, I used to be someone who lacked confidence and struggled with independent thinking. I heavily relied on others to guide me and make decisions for me. However, because my parents have always encouraged me to learn and think for myself, I have now become someone who is confident in my abilities and capable of making my own decisions.

Before, I used to frequently seek validation from others and often felt the need to conform to societal expectations. I was afraid to express my true opinions and desires. However, since my parents have always valued individuality and encouraged me to embrace my uniqueness, I have now become someone who is unafraid to voice my opinions and pursue my own passions.

It is thanks to the support and guidance of my parents that I am now who I am today. They have taught me the importance of self-discovery and personal growth. They have shown me the value of perseverance and determination. They have instilled in me a strong work ethic and the belief that anything is possible with hard work and dedication.

Ultimately, my parents have not only provided me with the necessary tools for success, but they have also shown me the importance of giving back and helping others. Through their selflessness and acts of kindness, they have taught me the significance of empathy and compassion.

In conclusion, my parents have had a profound influence on my development as a person. They have helped me grow and evolve, and I am forever grateful for their unwavering support and love.

My parents have shaped me as a person. Before, I used to be someone who relied heavily on others for guidance and support. I struggled with challenging tasks, such as homework questions, and often felt overwhelmed. However, because my parents have been there to offer their knowledge and assistance, I have now become someone who is more independent and resourceful.

Their constant encouragement and guidance have helped me develop a sense of self-confidence and the ability to tackle difficult tasks on my own. With their support, I have learned how to break down complex concepts and find solutions independently. This newfound skill has not only helped me in my academics but also in various other aspects of my life.

Furthermore, my parents have instilled practical skills in me, such as tending to plants and taking responsibility for household tasks. These skills have taught me the importance of being self-reliant and contributing to the well-being of our family and home. As a result, I am now capable of taking care of myself and am always ready to lend a helping hand whenever required.

I am grateful to my parents for their unwavering support and guidance. Their influence on my development has undoubtedly shaped me into the person I am today, someone who is independent, confident, and capable of navigating through life's challenges.