My parents have shaped me because I learn from them. They teach me stuff on what to do. They tell me what to do and how to learn from them. They help me so much that I can do it on my own. If I had a homework question that I did not know how to solve, they would help me and teach me so that I can understand from them. I can play games with them and have fun with them and spend time with them. They could shape me in other ways. They can teach me how to water the plants so that they don't water them everytime. There will be times when I have to help them. If they needed my help, I would help them just like how they help me.

Rewrite you SAR in the AEC format that we just went over.
You will rewrite you AEC on Google Docs.
When you are done rewriting your SAR, we will have a writing conference where I will give you any revisions you need to make.

My parents have had a significant influence on my development as I am constantly learning from them. They not only provide guidance and instruction on how to navigate various situations, but also empower me to learn independently. Whenever I come across a challenging homework question, they are always there to assist me and impart their knowledge so that I can comprehend the concepts effectively. Additionally, they actively engage in recreational activities with me, fostering a sense of bonding and enabling me to cherish enjoyable moments spent together. Moreover, they instill practical skills such as tending to plants, teaching me to take responsibility and ensuring I am capable of contributing to household tasks when required. In return, I gladly offer my assistance whenever they need it, reciprocating the support they have provided me with.

Statement of Accomplishments:

I have been shaped by my parents through their guidance and teaching. They have been instrumental in helping me learn and develop essential skills. Their support and instructions have enabled me to become self-sufficient in various aspects of life. Whenever I encounter a challenging homework question, they readily assist me, ensuring that I understand the solution and learn from their guidance. Additionally, we engage in enjoyable activities and spend quality time together.

Furthermore, my parents have taught me practical skills, such as watering plants, to foster independence. By instructing me on how to care for the plants, they encourage me to take responsibility for their well-being, sparing them the task of constant maintenance.

Recognizing the mutual nature of our relationship, I also strive to assist my parents whenever they require help. Just as they support me, I am eager to reciprocate and provide assistance whenever they need it.