Raji draws a square with a side length of x+5

cm. Ava draws a regular hexagon with a side length of x−1
cm. The two figures have the same perimeter. Write an equation that allows you to solve for x
. What is the value of x
?(1 point)





The equation that allows you to solve for x is:

4(x+5) = 6(x-1)

To simplify and solve for x, you can expand the expressions:

4x + 20 = 6x - 6

Then, subtract 4x from both sides:

20 = 2x - 6

Next, add 6 to both sides:

26 = 2x

Finally, divide both sides by 2 to solve for x:

x = 13

So, the value of x is 13.

To solve for x, we can set up an equation that equates the perimeters of the square and the regular hexagon.

The perimeter of a square is given by the formula P = 4s, where s is the length of a side.

The perimeter of a regular hexagon is given by the formula P = 6s, where s is the length of a side.

In this case, the side length of the square is x + 5 cm, and the side length of the hexagon is x - 1 cm.

Therefore, the equation is:

4(x + 5) = 6(x - 1)

To solve for x, we can simplify the equation:

4x + 20 = 6x - 6

Rearranging the equation:

6x - 4x = 20 + 6

2x = 26

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 13

So, the value of x is 13.