
To add -12/7 and 3/14, we need to find a common denominator:

The common denominator is 14.
Multiplying -12/7 by 2/2 (which is equivalent to 1) gives us -24/14.
Adding -24/14 and 3/14 gives us: -24/14 + 3/14 = -21/14
Therefore, -12/7 + 3/14 = -21/14.

To solve this expression step-by-step, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fractions:
The fraction -12/7 cannot be simplified any further.
The fraction 3/14 also cannot be simplified any further.

Step 2: Combine the fractions:
To combine fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 14 (the multiple of 7 and 14).
Therefore, we need to convert -12/7 to have 14 as its denominator. To do this, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 2:
(-12/7) * (2/2) = -24/14.

Now we can rewrite the expression as:
-24/14 + 3/14.

Step 3: Add the fractions:
To add fractions, the denominators should be the same. Since the denominators are already the same, we simply add the numerators together:
(-24 + 3)/14 = -21/14.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction (if possible):
The fraction -21/14 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 7:
(-21/7) / (14/7) = -3/2.

So, the final value of the expression -12/7 + 3/14 is -3/2.