One reason animal cells don't need a central vacuole is because

they have multiple small vacuoles dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. These small vacuoles perform similar functions to a central vacuole in plants, such as storing water, ions, nutrients, and waste products. Animal cells also have other specialized organelles, such as lysosomes, which help in the digestion and breakdown of cellular waste materials. Therefore, the presence of multiple smaller vacuoles, along with other organelles, allows animal cells to effectively carry out their functions without the need for a central vacuole.

animal cells have a different structure and function compared to plant cells. The absence of a central vacuole in animal cells can be attributed to the following reasons:

1. Function: The central vacuole in plant cells serves several functions, including storage of water, nutrients, and waste materials, maintaining turgor pressure and regulating cell volume. Animal cells, on the other hand, have specialized organelles like lysosomes, peroxisomes, and vesicles that perform similar functions as the vacuole but in a more distributed manner.

2. Size and shape: Animal cells are generally smaller and have a more irregular shape compared to plant cells. The absence of a large central vacuole allows animal cells to have a more flexible shape and adaptability to different physiological conditions.

3. Energy requirements: Animal cells have higher energy demands compared to plant cells due to their active metabolism. The absence of a large central vacuole allows animal cells to allocate more space for mitochondria and other organelles involved in energy production.

4. Mobility: Animal cells often require mobility for various functions like locomotion and secretion. The absence of a large central vacuole allows animal cells to maintain a higher degree of flexibility, allowing them to move and change shape as needed.

In summary, animal cells do not possess a central vacuole due to their specific structural and functional requirements, which necessitate different cellular adaptations for storage, mobility, and energy production.