how can you recognize when two integers are opposite numbers

Two integers are opposite numbers if they have the same magnitude but different signs.

To recognize if two integers are opposite numbers, follow these steps:

1. Check if the magnitudes (absolute values) of the integers are the same. If they are not the same, then the numbers cannot be opposite to each other.

2. If the magnitudes are the same, compare the signs of the integers. If one integer is positive (+) and the other is negative (-), then they are opposite numbers.

For example:
-5 and 5 are opposite numbers because they have the same magnitude (absolute value of 5) but different signs (- and +).
8 and -8 are opposite numbers because they have the same magnitude (absolute value of 8) but different signs (+ and -).

To recognize when two integers are opposite numbers, follow these steps:

1. Identify the two integers you want to compare.
2. Check if one integer is positive and the other is negative. If this is the case, the integers are opposite numbers.
3. If both integers are positive or both are negative, check if their absolute values are the same. If the absolute values of the integers are equal, they are opposite numbers.

To summarize:

- Two integers are opposite numbers if one is positive and the other is negative.
- Two integers are also considered opposite numbers if they have the same absolute value and differ in sign (positive/negative).

so whats the answer