What was the primary reason Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts bay colony founded the Koch Connecticut colony

Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts Bay Colony primarily because of his disagreements with the Puritan leadership and their strict religious policies. He felt that the government had too much control over the church and that more religious freedom was necessary. Hooker believed that the colony's leaders were not adhering to a democratic form of government and that the people should have a greater say in their own governance. He sought to establish a colony where religious freedom and democratic principles could be practiced more freely, leading to the founding of the Connecticut Colony, later known as the Colony of Connecticut or Connecticut River Colony.

Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded the Connecticut Colony primarily due to religious and political disagreements. Here are the steps that led to his decision:

1. Dissatisfaction with Puritan leadership: Hooker, a Puritan minister, felt that the Massachusetts Bay Colony's leaders had too much control over both religious and political affairs. He believed that every congregation should have the ability to govern themselves, rather than being dictated by a centralized authority.

2. Clash over suffrage restrictions: Another contentious issue was the restriction on suffrage in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which only allowed church members to vote. Hooker argued that this limited political participation and denied the rights of non-church members.

3. Formation of a dissenting group: Hooker gathered a group of like-minded individuals who shared his views on religious and political matters. This group included other Puritans dissatisfied with the restrictive policies of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

4. The founding of Connecticut: In 1636, Hooker and his group, numbering around 100 people, ventured westward from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled in the Connecticut River Valley. They established the Connecticut Colony, where they implemented a more democratic form of government that was based on a written constitution known as the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

In summary, Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded the Connecticut Colony due to his disagreement with the Puritan leadership, suffrage restrictions, and his desire to establish a more democratic and inclusive society.