For the subjects EMS AND ECONOMICS, compile an analysis of the results showing Terms 1 and 2 in a graph,The pass mark for grade 8 term one was 45% and 56% on term 2.For grade 12 it was 92 % for term one and 89% for term two.Plot a bar graph

Without specific data or additional information, it is not possible to accurately plot a bar graph showing the pass mark percentages for grade 8 and grade 12 in EMS and Economics for terms 1 and 2.

However, if we assume that the pass mark percentages for EMS and Economics are the same for both grades, we can create a hypothetical bar graph to illustrate the given pass mark percentages.

Hypothetical Bar Graph:

Grade 8:
- Term 1: 45%
- Term 2: 56%

Grade 12:
- Term 1: 92%
- Term 2: 89%

% Pass Mark
100 |
90 |
80 |
70 |
60 | Grade 8
50 |
40 | Grade 12
30 |
20 |
10 |
0 |_____________________
Term 1 Term 2

Please note that this graph is based on hypothetical data and assumes that the pass mark percentages are the same for both EMS and Economics. Additionally, the scale and specific values on the y-axis may vary depending on the actual pass mark percentages.

To plot a bar graph comparing the results for EMS and Economics in Terms 1 and 2 for both Grade 8 and Grade 12, follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare the data

- For Grade 8:
- Term 1 EMS pass mark: 45%
- Term 2 EMS pass mark: 56%
- Term 1 Economics pass mark: [Insert Data]
- Term 2 Economics pass mark: [Insert Data]

- For Grade 12:
- Term 1 EMS pass mark: [Insert Data]
- Term 2 EMS pass mark: [Insert Data]
- Term 1 Economics pass mark: 92%
- Term 2 Economics pass mark: 89%

Step 2: Create the bar graph

- Choose a suitable graphing software or tool, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other tool you are comfortable with.
- Create a new spreadsheet and label the columns as follows: Subject, Grade 8 Term 1, Grade 8 Term 2, Grade 12 Term 1, Grade 12 Term 2.
- Under the "Subject" column, enter EMS and Economics.
- Enter the corresponding pass mark percentages under the appropriate columns for each subject and term.
- Select the data you entered and choose to create a bar graph/chart.
- Customize the graph as desired, including adding titles, axes labels, and adjusting the colors and styles to make it visually appealing.

Step 3: Interpret the graph

- Analyze the graph to understand and interpret the results.
- Compare the pass marks for EMS and Economics between the two terms in both Grade 8 and Grade 12.
- Look for any trends, improvements, or declines in the pass rates.
- Discuss the observations and make conclusions based on the graph, explaining the performance of the students in EMS and Economics from Term 1 to Term 2 in Grade 8 and Grade 12.

Remember to complete the data for the Grade 8 Economics pass marks and use suitable numerical values for the EMS and Economics pass marks for Grade 12 in Term 1 and Term 2.