Which region was home to the Sioux?

(1 point)

the Eastern woodlands of North America
the Eastern woodlands of North America

Southern Mexico and Central America
Southern Mexico and Central America

the Pacific Northwest of North America
the Pacific Northwest of North America

the Central plains of North America

the Central plains of North America

What was significant about the House of Burgesses?

(1 point)

It limited the king by making him consult with the nobles and church leaders in order to raise taxes.
It limited the king by making him consult with the nobles and church leaders in order to raise taxes.

It was the first instance of limited self-government in the English colonies.
It was the first instance of limited self-government in the English colonies.

It governed the colony of Virginia harshly, like a military outpost, leading to mass exodus of settlers.
It governed the colony of Virginia harshly, like a military outpost, leading to mass exodus of settlers.

It mediated conflicts between the colonial government and religious leaders.

It was the first instance of limited self-government in the English colonies.

Which represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment?(1 point)


a surplus of farmed crops
a surplus of farmed crops

farming in terraces
f arming in terraces

a system of causeways
a system of causeways

an accurate 365-day calendar

Which represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment?(1 point)


a surplus of farmed crops
a surplus of farmed crops

farming in terraces
f arming in terraces

a system of causeways
a system of causeways

an accurate 365-day calendar

The Sioux were primarily located in the Central plains of North America.

The region that was home to the Sioux is the Central plains of North America.