Which has a higher ionization energy: chlorine (Cl) or magnesium (Mg)? Why? Select the best answer.(1 point)

The correct answer is: Chlorine (Cl) has a higher ionization energy than magnesium (Mg).

This is because ionization energy refers to the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom. Chlorine has a greater effective nuclear charge (the positive charge of the nucleus) compared to magnesium because it has a higher atomic number and more protons. Therefore, the electrons in chlorine's valence shell are held more tightly than those in magnesium, requiring more energy to remove them.

Chlorine (Cl) has a higher ionization energy than magnesium (Mg).

The ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom. It is influenced by factors such as the atomic radius and the number of electron shells.

In the case of chlorine, it has a smaller atomic radius compared to magnesium. This means that the outermost electron of chlorine is closer to the nucleus and more strongly attracted to it. As a result, it requires more energy to remove an electron from chlorine, leading to a higher ionization energy.

On the other hand, magnesium has a larger atomic radius, and its outermost electron experiences less attraction from the nucleus. Therefore, it requires less energy to remove an electron from magnesium, resulting in a lower ionization energy compared to chlorine.