Which of the following could provide definitive evidence of a chemical reaction? Choose two correct answers.

A. Liquid water has frozen to form ice.

B. A new substance, oxygen gas, has formed.

C. A new substance, rust, has formed.

D. A solid has dissolved in a liquid.

B. A new substance, oxygen gas, has formed.

C. A new substance, rust, has formed.

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Which of the following could provide definitive evidence of a chemical reaction? Choose two correct answers.(1 point)

The correct answers are:

B. A new substance, oxygen gas, has formed.

C. A new substance, rust, has formed.

place a change in the column that correctly identifies it as a chemical change or a physical change dragon drop the phrases into the correct columns?

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to perform a drag and drop function as I am a text-based AI language model. However, I can still assist you in categorizing different examples as chemical changes or physical changes if you provide me with the phrases or examples you would like to categorize.