Cells and Body Systems Unit Test

12 of 2012 of 20 Items
Summarize the functions of the nervous system.(1 point)

The nervous system controls the digestive system by sending signals to the stomach, telling it to contract and digest food.
The nervous system controls the digestive system by sending signals to the stomach, telling it to contract and digest food.

The nervous system controls the respiratory system by sending signals to the muscles, telling them to flex and move limbs.
The nervous system controls the respiratory system by sending signals to the muscles, telling them to flex and move limbs.

The nervous system controls the circulatory system by sending signals to the lungs, telling them to expand and inhale oxygen.
The nervous system controls the circulatory system by sending signals to the lungs, telling them to expand and inhale oxygen.

The nervous system controls the muscular system by sending signals to the blood, telling it to move throughout the body.

The nervous system controls the digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, and muscular system by sending signals to different parts of the body, giving instructions on how to function.

The functions of the nervous system can be summarized as follows:

- Controls and coordinates the actions of the body by transmitting signals between different parts of the body.
- Receives and processes sensory information from the environment.
- Enables conscious and unconscious movements.
- Regulates bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing.
- Plays a role in learning, memory, and cognition.
- Helps maintain homeostasis within the body.