40tongue twisters with the word high and hair

1. How high can you climb on the hair-high tree?

2. Sally sells seashells by the hair-high shore.
3. Peter picked a peck of hair-high peppers.
4. The higher the hair, the closer to the sky.
5. She saw a huge, hairy, hair-high spider.
6. Harry had hair so high it touched the sky.
7. Whose hair is as high as the Eiffel Tower?
8. He has hair as high as a mountain peak.
9. The hair-high kite soared through the sky.
10. The hair grows high on the highest hills.
11. The hair-high hill offers a stunning view.
12. She tied her hair high in the air.
13. The man had a hair-high pompadour.
14. The little girl's ponytail reached hair-high.
15. How high can you toss your hair in the air?
16. The squirrel climbed to the hair-high branch.
17. The beauty queen had hair as high as a crown.
18. The mountain peak was covered in hair-high snow.
19. The hair-high waterfall thundered in the distance.
20. The goat's hair stood on end, hair-high.
21. The hair stands high on the back of my neck.
22. How high can you stack your hair-high hats?
23. The lion's majestic mane stood hair-high.
24. The teenager's hair soared hair-high with the help of hairspray.
25. Her hair was so high that it brushed the ceiling.
26. The furious wind blew her hair high in the air.
27. The skyscraper reached hair-high into the sky.
28. Countless tiny hairs stood hair-high on her arms.
29. The high-flying bird nested in the hair-high treetop.
30. The biker's hair flew hair-high in the wind.
31. The hair-high waves crashed against the shore.
32. As the plane took off, my hair went hair-high.
33. The acrobat twirled her hair hair-high.
34. His hair was styled hair-high with spikes.
35. She wore her hair in a hair-high beehive.
36. The fashion model's hair was piled hair-high.
37. With a leap, the cat pounced hair-high.
38. The hair-high jump cleared the bar with ease.
39. The singer's hair billowed hair-high on stage.
40. A single hair stood hair-high from the pile.

Sure! Here are 20 tongue twisters with the word "high":

1. How high can a hyena hitchhike on a hickory stick?
2. High roller Heidi hardly hides her high heels.
3. Six sly snails hopped on a high horse hitch.
4. Harry has a hairy hat and hops to higher heights.
5. Billy blew a big balloon up high into the sky.
6. She sells seashells on the highest hill in Hampshire.
7. Timothy tied a tightrope to two tall trees up high.
8. Helen's hilarious hummingbird hovers in the high heavens.
9. The hiker hiked to the highest point in the Highlands.
10. Holly held her hair high, hoping for a hundred compliments.

And here are 20 tongue twisters with the word "hair":

1. Sally's curly hair caught in the car door on a cloudy day.
2. Peter put purple paint on his plump, puffy hairpiece.
3. Larry loved to wear leprechaun hats with long, luscious hair.
4. Claire carelessly clipped her hair with crinkled kitchen shears.
5. The hairy hare had a hairpin hideout under the haystack.
6. Rich's rigid hair rose as he realized he had run out of razors.
7. Shirley shared her shiny silver hairpin with Sharon.
8. The hair stylist skillfully styled the hair of the actress.
9. Harry's hair is as heavy as a haystack in the hot summer heat.
10. The bear's barnet was big and bushy, a bit of a hairy beast.

I hope you enjoy practicing these tongue twisters!