write another fraction that is equivalent to 45. draw diagrams to show that they are equal. then find the equivalent decimals for both fractions and write the equivalent percent.

To find a fraction that is equivalent to $\frac{45}{1}$, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number. Let's multiply both by 2 to get:

$$\frac{45}{1} \times \frac{2}{2} = \frac{45 \times 2}{1 \times 2} = \frac{90}{2}$$

So, $\frac{90}{2}$ is another fraction that is equivalent to $\frac{45}{1}$.

To draw diagrams to show that they are equal, we can use rectangular models. Let's draw a rectangle with an area of 45 square units:


As shown above, the rectangle on the left has an area of 45 square units, while the rectangle on the right, which is twice as long, has an area of 90 square units. This visually represents the equivalence of the fractions.

Next, let's find the decimal equivalents for both fractions.

$\frac{45}{1}$ as a decimal is simply 45, because the denominator 1 does not affect the value.

For $\frac{90}{2}$, we can divide the numerator by the denominator:

$$\frac{90}{2} = 90 \div 2 = 45$$

So, the decimal equivalent for $\frac{90}{2}$ is also 45.

Lastly, let's find the equivalent percent for both fractions.

$\frac{45}{1}$ as a percent is $45 \times 100\% = 4500\%$.

For $\frac{90}{2}$, the numerator and denominator are both multiplied by 100 to convert it to a percentage:

$$\frac{90}{2} = \frac{90 \times 100\%}{2 \times 100\%} = \frac{9000\%}{200\%} = 45$$

So, the equivalent percent for $\frac{90}{2}$ is also 4500%.

To find a fraction that is equivalent to 45, we need to consider the numerator and the denominator. Let's choose a numerator and denominator that can be multiplied by the same number to give 45.

One possible fraction is 90/2. To show that this fraction is equivalent to 45, we can draw rectangular diagrams to represent each fraction.

For the fraction 45/1, we can draw a rectangle and divide it into 45 equal parts.

Rectangle: _______________________________________
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For the fraction 90/2, we can draw a rectangle and divide it into 90 equal parts, then shade half of the rectangle.

Rectangle: _______________________________________

Both diagrams represent fractions that are equivalent to 45.

Now, let's find the equivalent decimals for both fractions.

For 45/1, the decimal equivalent is 45.0.

For 90/2, we can divide 90 by 2 to get 45. Therefore, the decimal equivalent is also 45.0.

Lastly, let's find the equivalent percent for both fractions.

For 45/1, multiplying the fraction by 100 gives us 4500/100. This simplifies to 45%. Hence, the equivalent percent is 45%.

For 90/2, multiplying the fraction by 100 gives us 9000/200. Simplifying gives us 45/1, which is the same as 45.0. Therefore, the equivalent percent is also 45%.

In conclusion, the equivalent fraction to 45 is 90/2, and both fractions are equal to 45. The equivalent decimals for both fractions are 45.0, and the equivalent percent for both fractions is 45%.