What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m?

The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m" is 8 / (3 + m).

–(8n – 5v)

The algebraic expression for the word phrase "-(8n - 5v)" is simply -8n + 5v.

Why is that? I want to know how to get to the answer, not the answer please!

Apologies for the confusion. To simplify the expression - (8n - 5v), you follow the distributive property of multiplication: distribute the negative sign to both terms inside the parentheses.

Using the distributive property, the expression becomes -1 * 8n + (-1) * (-5v), which simplifies to -8n + 5v.

Oh tysm very helpful!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


what is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of x and 6y?

To find the algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m," follow these steps:

1. Identify the operation words:
- Quotient indicates division.
- The sum indicates addition.

2. Translate the words into mathematical symbols:
- The quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m can be written as 8 / (3 + m).

Therefore, the algebraic expression for the given word phrase is 8 / (3 + m).