calculate how long its from 11h12 to 14h06

To calculate the duration between 11h12 and 14h06, we need to subtract the starting time from the ending time.

Converting both times to minutes:
11h12 = 11 * 60 + 12 = 672 minutes
14h06 = 14 * 60 + 6 = 846 minutes

Now, subtract the starting time from the ending time:
846 - 672 = 174 minutes

Therefore, there are 174 minutes between 11h12 and 14h06.

To calculate the duration between 11:12 AM and 2:06 PM, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both times to a 24-hour format.
11:12 AM => 11:12
2:06 PM => 14:06

Step 2: Calculate the difference in hours.
14 - 11 = 3

Step 3: Calculate the difference in minutes.
(60 - 12) + 6 = 54

Step 4: Combine the hours and minutes.
The total duration is 3 hours and 54 minutes.