
Artists are driven to create art for many different reasons. What seems to be the purpose for this artistic creation?
(1 point)

for a utilitarian purpose
for a utilitarian purpose

for an aesthetic purpose
for an aesthetic purpose

for a historical purpose
for a historical purpose

for an entertainment purpose

for an entertainment purpose

How did the last ice age affect human migration?

(1 point)

It created land bridges where ocean had once been.

It created land bridges where ocean had once been.

It required people to create new shelters.

It required people to create new shelters.

It required people to form larger communities.

It required people to form larger communities.

It required people to live closer together.

Artists are driven to create art for many different reasons. What seems to be the purpose for this artistic creation?

(1 point)

for a utilitarian purpose
for a utilitarian purpose

for an aesthetic purpose
for an aesthetic purpose

for a historical purpose
for a historical purpose

for an entertainment purpose
for an entertainment purpose


for an entertainment purpose

To determine the purpose for artistic creation, we need to understand the different motivations that drive artists. Artists create art for various reasons, and here are the possible purposes you can consider:

1. Utilitarian Purpose: Some artists create art with the intention of serving a practical or functional purpose. Examples of this include designing furniture, creating advertisements, or producing illustrations for books.

2. Aesthetic Purpose: Many artists create art to evoke a sense of beauty, emotion, or visual appeal. This purpose focuses on the aesthetic qualities of the artwork and its ability to inspire or move the viewer.

3. Historical Purpose: Some artists create art to document or depict historical events, cultures, or social issues. This purpose emphasizes the role of art as a means of preserving and communicating history.

4. Entertainment Purpose: Art can also be created with the primary aim of entertaining or engaging audiences. This purpose includes artworks that are intended to entertain, amuse, or provide enjoyment.

In order to identify the purpose for a specific artistic creation, we would need to examine the context, intentions, and messages conveyed by the artist.