A quarter note is shown. + A half rest is shown. + A whole rest is shown. =

The total duration of the notes and rests shown is equal to 1.75 beats.

A quarter note has a duration of 1 beat, a half rest has a duration of 2 beats, and a whole rest has a duration of 4 beats.

Therefore, the equation is:

1 (quarter note) + 2 (half rest) + 4 (whole rest) = 1.75 beats

A quarter rest is shown. + ____=A half rest is shown.

A quarter rest is shown. + A quarter rest is shown = A half rest is shown.

A quarter note is shown as a solid oval shape with a stem attached to it. It represents a musical note that lasts for one quarter of a whole note.

A half rest is shown as a rectangle positioned vertically below the middle line of the musical staff. It represents a period of silence or rest in music that lasts for the same duration as a half note.

A whole rest is shown as a solid rectangle positioned vertically above the middle line of the musical staff. It represents a period of silence or rest in music that lasts for the same duration as a whole note.

Combining these symbols, "+", indicates that you are adding them together. However, in this case, adding a quarter note and a half rest with a whole rest does not yield a specific result as they represent different durations and rests.