True or False:

Self-actualization means that you focus on yourself all the time.
(1 point)




Which of the following is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem?

(1 point)

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses
Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses

Always think you should succeed at everything you try
Always think you should succeed at everything you try

Be concerned about what others think of you
Be concerned about what others think of you

Hide your insecurities from others
Hide your insecurities from others

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses.


Self-actualization does not mean that you focus on yourself all the time. It refers to the process of realizing and fulfilling one's potential, pursuing personal growth, and seeking meaning and fulfillment in life. It involves a balanced focus on personal growth, relationships, and contributing to the well-being of others.


Self-actualization does not mean that you focus on yourself all the time. Self-actualization refers to the psychological concept developed by Abraham Maslow which describes the process of realizing and fulfilling one's potential and becoming the best version of oneself. It involves self-awareness, personal growth, and reaching one's own unique goals and aspirations. While self-actualization does involve personal development, it also emphasizes a sense of connectedness, empathy, and a focus on contributing to the greater good. It's about reaching a state of self-fulfillment while considering the needs and well-being of others as well.