Why does Gabriel have a sinking feeling in his stomach at the end of the party

Gabriel has a sinking feeling in his stomach at the end of the party in James Joyce's "The Dead" because he has just realized that his wife, Gretta, had a deep emotional connection with a former lover named Michael Furey, who had died for her love. As they go to bed, Gabriel notices that Gretta is in a contemplative and melancholic state, and when he questions her about it, she reveals her longing for Michael Furey and the fact that he had sung her a song shortly before his death. Gabriel cannot help but feel a sense of profound insignificance and inferiority compared to this long-lost lover. He recognizes that Gretta's love for him will always be overshadowed by the memory of Michael Furey. This realization fills Gabriel with a mixture of jealousy, sorrow, and a sinking feeling of inadequacy in his stomach, making him question the authenticity and depth of his relationship with his wife.

1. Gabriel may have a sinking feeling in his stomach at the end of the party because he is feeling anxious or uneasy about something.

2. It's possible that Gabriel had an unpleasant or uncomfortable interaction with someone at the party, leading to his sinking feeling.

3. Gabriel might be feeling regret or disappointment about how the party turned out, perhaps feeling like it didn't meet his expectations or that he didn't have a good time.

4. Another possibility is that Gabriel had a realization or received some bad news during the party, leading to his sinking feeling at the end.

5. It's also possible that Gabriel's sinking feeling is unrelated to the party itself and is instead caused by external factors such as personal issues or stress.