If Spain did kidnap or kill the colonists, they would have had to travel 540 miles. If they could travel 70 miles a day, how long would it have taken them to arrive at Roanoke Island? What about 100 miles a day?

To calculate the time it would have taken for the Spain to travel to Roanoke Island, we can divide the distance by the speed at which they could travel.

- At a speed of 70 miles per day, they would have taken 540/70 = 7.714285714285714 days to arrive at Roanoke Island.
- At a speed of 100 miles per day, they would have taken 540/100 = 5.4 days to arrive at Roanoke Island.

To calculate the time it would have taken for Spain to travel 540 miles to Roanoke Island, we can divide the distance by the travel speed.

1. If Spain could travel 70 miles a day:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 540 miles / 70 miles per day
Time ≈ 7.71 days (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, it would take approximately 7.71 days for Spain to arrive at Roanoke Island if they could travel 70 miles a day.

2. If Spain could travel 100 miles a day:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 540 miles / 100 miles per day
Time = 5.4 days

Therefore, it would take approximately 5.4 days for Spain to arrive at Roanoke Island if they could travel 100 miles a day.