How did the framers ensure people the freedom to practice their religion in the U.S. Constitution?(1 point)


The Bill of Rights states that Congress cannot prohibit the practice of religion.
The Bill of Rights states that Congress cannot prohibit the practice of religion.
Article I states that Congress has the power to tax.
Article I states that Congress has the power to tax.
Article II states that the president must be 35 years old.
Article II states that the president must be 35 years old

The correct answer is:

The Bill of Rights states that Congress cannot prohibit the practice of religion.

The framers ensured people the freedom to practice their religion in the U.S. Constitution through the First Amendment, which is part of the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment states that Congress cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion. This means that individuals have the right to freely practice their religion without interference or persecution from the government.