For 10 seconds Ariana places her finger on her radial artery and counts her heartbeats. In 10 seconds, she counts 15 beats. What is Ariana’s current heart rate based on this measurement?

(1 point)





To find Ariana's current heart rate based on this measurement, we need to multiply the number of beats she counted in 10 seconds by 6.

15 beats x 6 = 90 beats per minute

Therefore, Ariana's current heart rate is 90 beats per minute.

To determine Ariana's current heart rate based on her measurement of 15 beats in 10 seconds, you need to calculate the beats per minute.

Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, you can use the following formula to calculate the heart rate:
Heart rate = (number of beats / time) x 60

Plugging in the values, you get:
Heart rate = (15 beats / 10 seconds) x 60

Simplifying the calculation:
Heart rate = 9 x 60

Therefore, Ariana's current heart rate based on this measurement is 540 beats per minute.

Please note that this heart rate may be too high and may not be accurate. It is advisable for Ariana to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate assessment of her heart rate.