Select the correct answers.

Which two details best shape the central idea of Mother Jones' determination to persevere in the face of opposition?

"One morning when my hard bread and sloppy coffee were brought to me,..." (paragraph 17)
"Governor," I said, "I am going back." (paragraph 2)
"I was taken before the governor that morning." (paragraph 1)
"I got up, of course, and with the soldiers I got off at Walsenburg,..." (paragraph 7)
"Day was perpetual twilight and night was deep night." (paragraph 16)
"I would not leave the state." (paragraph 13)

The correct answers are:

- "Governor," I said, "I am going back." (paragraph 2)
- "I would not leave the state." (paragraph 13)

The two details that best shape the central idea of Mother Jones' determination to persevere in the face of opposition are:

- "I would not leave the state." (paragraph 13)
- "Governor," I said, "I am going back." (paragraph 2)