Concrete is made from sand and cement. 20kg of concrete containe 15kg of sand. Find the ratio of sand to cement in its simplest form

To find the ratio of sand to cement, we divide the weight of sand by the weight of cement.

15kg sand / (20kg - 15kg) cement = 15kg sand / 5kg cement = 3 sand / 1 cement

The ratio of sand to cement is 3:1.

To find the ratio of sand to cement in its simplest form, we need to determine the common factor between the amounts of sand and cement.

Given that 20kg of concrete contains 15kg of sand, the remaining weight is the weight of cement, which is:
20kg - 15kg = 5kg

Therefore, the ratio of sand to cement can be expressed as 15kg:5kg.
To simplify this ratio, we divide both numbers by their greatest common factor (GCF).

The GCF of 15kg and 5kg is 5kg.
Dividing both numbers by 5, we get:
15kg ÷ 5kg = 3
5kg ÷ 5kg = 1

So, the simplest ratio of sand to cement is 3:1.