Implemented curriculum ,achieved curriculum or learned curriculum ,tested curriculum

Implemented curriculum refers to the curriculum that is actually taught in the classroom. It includes the instructional strategies, lesson plans, and materials that are used to deliver the content.

Achieved curriculum refers to what students are actually able to understand, apply, and demonstrate after completing the curriculum. It is the knowledge, skills, and competencies that students have acquired.

Learned curriculum refers to what students have internalized, retained, and are able to independently apply beyond the classroom. It is the long-term learning outcomes that students have gained over time.

Tested curriculum refers to the content and skills that are assessed through testing and evaluation. It includes the concepts and topics that are measured and graded to assess student mastery.

Implemented curriculum refers to the planned and intended curriculum that is put into practice by teachers and educational institutions. It includes the learning objectives, content, and teaching strategies that are designed to be delivered to students.

Achieved curriculum refers to what students actually learn and accomplish as a result of their educational experiences. It represents the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students acquire through instruction and learning activities.

Learned curriculum refers to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students have internalized and can demonstrate independently. It focuses on what students have truly learned and understood rather than simply what has been taught or assessed.

Tested curriculum refers to the specific content and skills that are evaluated through assessments, tests, and examinations. It often highlights the areas that are prioritized for evaluation and may not encompass the entire curriculum.

It's important to note that these four terms are interconnected and can influence each other. The implemented curriculum affects the achieved curriculum, which in turn contributes to the learned curriculum. The tested curriculum provides a measure of the achieved and learned curriculum.