What are the medians of the two datasets listed?

Dataset 1: (5,19,14,3,8,14,25,0,3,5,1)

Dataset 2: (5,19,14,3,8,14,25,0,3,5,1,7)

(1 point)
Dataset 1:

Dataset 2:

Dataset 1: The median of dataset 1 is 5.

Dataset 2: The median of dataset 2 is 7.

To find the medians of the two datasets, we first need to arrange the data in ascending order.

Dataset 1: (0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 8, 14, 14, 19, 25)

Dataset 2: (0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 8, 14, 14, 19, 25)

To find the medians, we take the middle value of the datasets.

Dataset 1: The middle value is 5, so the median of Dataset 1 is 5.

Dataset 2: The two middle values are 5 and 7. To find the median, we take their average. (5 + 7) / 2 = 6, so the median of Dataset 2 is 6.