What is the function of the transitional word therefore

The transitional word "therefore" is used to indicate a conclusion or a logical result of previous information or arguments. It signals that the following statement or information is a direct consequence or inference drawn from what was previously mentioned. It is often used to express cause-and-effect relationships or to summarize a series of points.

Which problem indicates that a paragraph needs to be revised for clarity

There are several problems that may indicate a paragraph needs to be revised for clarity. Some common indicators include:

1. Lack of coherence: When the sentences or ideas within a paragraph do not flow logically or cohesively, it can make the paragraph difficult to understand.

2. Ambiguous or vague language: If the language used in the paragraph is unclear or open to multiple interpretations, it can make it confusing for the reader.

3. Lack of organization: If the ideas within the paragraph are not presented in a logical order or structured in a coherent manner, it may hinder understanding.

4. Repetition or redundancy: When the same information or ideas are repeated unnecessarily within a paragraph, it can make it harder to follow.

5. Lack of sufficient context or explanation: If the paragraph assumes prior knowledge or does not provide enough explanation or context for the ideas being presented, it may be unclear to the reader.

It is important to revise paragraphs to ensure they are clear and effectively communicate the intended message.

The transitional word "therefore" is used to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship between two statements or ideas. It is typically used to express a conclusion or result that logically follows from previous information or arguments. "Therefore" is often employed to show that the information presented supports or leads to a specific conclusion.