Continue to play the simulation. This simulation will go on and on for eternity if we let it. This simulation is in what we call a Closed System. We are only looking at the variables we want to in this simulation. In the Real World (Open System), if we had a Pendulum like this, it would eventually stop. Explain why it would stop in the Real World.

In the real world, a pendulum would eventually stop due to several factors that cause energy loss. These factors include friction, air resistance, and the conversion of kinetic energy into other forms of energy, such as heat and sound.

Friction: As the pendulum swings back and forth, there is always some level of friction between the pivot point of the pendulum and the supporting surface. This friction reduces the amount of energy available for the pendulum to continue swinging, ultimately leading to its eventual halt.

Air resistance: When a pendulum moves through the air, it encounters resistance due to the particles present in the air. This air resistance acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the pendulum, causing a slowdown in its swing. Over time, the cumulative effect of air resistance would cause the pendulum to come to a stop.

Energy conversion: Each swing of the pendulum involves a conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa. However, the conversion between these forms of energy is never perfectly efficient, as some energy is always lost in the process. This energy loss can occur through various mechanisms, such as heat dissipation to the surrounding environment or sound production. As the pendulum continues to swing, these energy losses accumulate, resulting in a gradual decrease in the amplitude of the swings until the pendulum ultimately ceases its motion.

In the closed system simulation, these factors might be either ignored or significantly minimized, allowing the pendulum to swing indefinitely. However, in the real world, where external factors cannot be entirely isolated or eliminated, the pendulum's motion will gradually diminish and eventually stop, obeying the laws of thermodynamics and the conservation of energy.

In the real world, a pendulum would eventually stop due to the presence of external factors and the limitations of its energy source. Here are the steps to understand why a pendulum would stop in the real world:

1. Energy Loss: A pendulum swings back and forth due to its initial energy, which is typically given by lifting the bob to a certain height. As the pendulum swings, it converts this potential energy into kinetic energy. However, due to various factors such as air resistance, friction at the pivot point, and internal friction within the pendulum itself, some energy is lost in the form of heat and sound.

2. Air Resistance: As the pendulum swings through the air, it encounters resistance from the surrounding air molecules. This resistance, known as air friction or drag, opposes the motion of the pendulum and acts to slow it down over time. The velocity of the pendulum decreases with each swing due to this air resistance.

3. Friction at the Pivot: The pivot point of the pendulum, where it is connected to a fixed point, also experiences friction. This friction, called pivot friction, results from the contact between the pendulum's support and the pivot point. As the pendulum swings, this friction opposes its motion and gradually dampens its swing, causing it to lose energy.

4. Internal Friction: The pendulum itself may have internal components or mechanisms that introduce internal friction. These internal friction forces, like air resistance and pivot friction, convert the kinetic energy of the swinging pendulum into heat, leading to an overall loss of energy over time.

5. External Factors: The real world is full of other external factors that can affect the pendulum's motion and energy loss. These factors include variations in gravitational pull, temperature changes, vibrations, and the introduction of other forces like magnetic fields. These external influences further contribute to the loss of energy and the eventual stoppage of the pendulum.

6. Limitations of Energy Source: Even in an ideal scenario where there are no external influences, the pendulum would eventually stop due to the limitations of its energy source. In this case, the energy initially provided to the pendulum by lifting its bob would eventually be completely transformed into other forms, mostly due to the factors discussed above. Once all the energy has been dissipated, the pendulum would come to a halt.

Overall, in the real world, a pendulum would stop swinging because of various energy losses caused by factors such as air resistance, friction at the pivot point, internal friction, external influences, and the depletion of its energy source. These factors gradually cause the pendulum to lose energy, resulting in the eventual cessation of its motion.