The average annual low temperature in most cities in the U.S. in a certain month is 50°F. The average low temperature recorded in Georgia was 53°F. By how many degrees (°F) is the low temperature in Georgia higher than the average low temperature in the U.S.?

The low temperature in Georgia is higher than the average low temperature in the U.S. by 3°F.

To find how many degrees (°F) the low temperature in Georgia is higher than the average low temperature in the U.S., we simply need to subtract the average low temperature in the U.S. from the low temperature recorded in Georgia.

Low temperature difference = Georgia low temperature - U.S. average low temperature

Low temperature difference = 53°F - 50°F

Low temperature difference = 3°F

Therefore, the low temperature in Georgia is higher than the average low temperature in the U.S. by 3 degrees (°F).