at joes cafe, one cup of coffee and three doughnuts cost $3.50, and two cups of coffee and two doughnuts cost $3.80. what is the cost of one doughnut

Let the cost of one cup of coffee be C and the cost of one doughnut be D.

From the information given, we can set up a system of equations:
C + 3D = 3.50 (equation 1)
2C + 2D = 3.80 (equation 2)

To simplify equation 2, we can divide it by 2:
C + D = 1.90 (equation 3)

Now we have a system of equations with 2 variables.

We can solve equation 3 for C:
C = 1.90 - D

Substituting this into equation 1, we get:
(1.90 - D) + 3D = 3.50
1.90 + 2D = 3.50
2D = 3.50 - 1.90
2D = 1.60
D = 1.60/2
D = 0.80

Therefore, the cost of one doughnut is $0.80.

Let's assume that the cost of one cup of coffee is C and the cost of one doughnut is D.

From the problem, we have the following information:
1C + 3D = $3.50 (equation 1)
2C + 2D = $3.80 (equation 2)

To solve for the cost of one doughnut (D), we need to eliminate the variable C. We can achieve this by multiplying equation 2 by 2 and equation 1 by -3, then adding the resulting equations together.

Multiply equation 2 by 2:
2 * (2C + 2D) = 2 * $3.80
4C + 4D = $7.60 (equation 3)

Multiply equation 1 by -3:
-3 * (1C + 3D) = -3 * $3.50
-3C - 9D = -$10.50 (equation 4)

Now, add equations 3 and 4:
(4C + 4D) + (-3C - 9D) = $7.60 + (-$10.50)
C - 5D = -$2.90

Now, let's solve for C in terms of D:
C = -$2.90 + 5D

We still need more information to determine the specific value for D.