Satellite imagery can be used to better understand certain changes on Earth. Identify the best use of satellite imagery from the list. (1 point)

detecting a change in a backyard garden

detecting a change in a person’s study habits

detecting a change in animal extinction rates

detecting a change in regional forest cover

Detecting a change in regional forest cover.

Lemon juice turns blue litmus paper red.

Therefore, it can be inferred that lemon juice must be an acid.

Analyze which statement best captures how thawing permafrost changes Earth’s physical geography

Thawing permafrost is leading to an increase in mammal populations.

Thawing permatrost leads to fewer beaver ponds.

Thawing permafrost leads to the creation of lakes and swamps where there were none.

Thawing permafrost leads to grasses and lichens pushing out shrub species.

Thawing permafrost leads to the creation of lakes and swamps where there were none.

How has thawing permafrost affected the people who live in areas where permafrost occurs? (1 point)

Entire villages are being forced to relocate because of thawing permafrost.

People are finding it easier to hunt on thawing permafrost.

With fewer beaver ponds, people are finding it difficult to capture beavers for human uses.

More ice cellars are able to be built because of thawing permafrost.

Entire villages are being forced to relocate because of thawing permafrost.

A student reads that blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions. The student performs an experiment with lemon juice and blue litmus paper. When the student squeezes the lemon juice on the blue litmus paper, it turns the paper red.

What can you infer?

(1 point)

All juices will turn blue litmus paper red.

Red litmus paper will turn blue with lemon juice.

Lemon juice turns blue litmus paper red

Lemon juice must be an acid

What is an electrolyte? (1 point)

a substance that conducts ions

the negative terminal of a battery

the positive terminal of a battery

a device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy

An electrolyte is a substance that conducts ions.

Which evidence did J.J. Thomson use to change scientific knowledge by developing a new model of the atom?

the existence of electron orbitals

the existence of neutrons

the existence of electrons

the existence of a positive nucleus