If a dot was added to a quarter note in 4/4 time, how many beats is the note worth?

1. half a beat
2. one beat
3. one-and-a-half beats
4. two-and-a-half beats

If a dot is added to a quarter note in 4/4 time, the note becomes a dotted quarter note. In 4/4 time, a quarter note is worth one beat.

A dot adds half of the note's value to itself. Therefore, a dotted quarter note is worth 1 + 1/2 = 1.5 beats.

So, the correct answer is option 3: one-and-a-half beats.

To determine the value of a dotted note, you need to understand the concept of dotting. A dot placed next to a note increases its duration by half of its original value.

In 4/4 time, a quarter note is worth one beat. If we add a dot to a quarter note, it increases its duration by half, so half of one beat is added.

Therefore, the dotted quarter note is worth one beat plus half a beat, which totals to:

3. one-and-a-half beats.