How does the decision to not use tobacco impact your health?

(1 point)

Any negative effects go away once you quit.
Any negative effects go away once you quit.

It has only long-term impact.
It has only long-term impact.

It helps you stay healthy now and in the future.
It helps you stay healthy now and in the future.

Any negative effects are short-term.

It helps you stay healthy now and in the future.

The decision to not use tobacco has several positive impacts on your health:

1. It helps you stay healthy now and in the future: By not using tobacco, you reduce the risk of developing various health conditions, such as heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, and respiratory issues. Not using tobacco also contributes to better overall physical and mental health.

2. Any negative effects are short-term: If you have been using tobacco and decide to quit, the negative effects on your health can start to reverse relatively quickly. Within hours of quitting, your blood pressure drops, and within days, your senses of taste and smell improve. The longer you stay tobacco-free, the more your body can heal and recover from the damaging effects of tobacco use.

Therefore, the decision to not use tobacco has both immediate and long-term positive impacts on your health.